How to Clean Aircraft Windows
1. Spray On
2. Let Soak
3. Spray On
4. Damp Towel
5. Dry Towel
Take two new* clean towels and fold them in half twice to make a square. Wet one with fresh water and wring it out until it is only damp.
- Pre-spray the window with Wash Wax ALL (Blue) or Plex Wax (Pink).
- Let it soak for 5-10 minutes.
- Re-spray a section of the window with Wash Wax ALL (Blue) or Plex Wax (Pink). Only spray an area you can comfortably clean before the Wash Wax ALL or Plex Wax dries.
- Wipe the area with a damp towel.
- Using the dry towel, thoroughly dry the area before it dries on its own.
Continue using steps 3 though 5 for the rest of the pre-soaked windows, unfolding and re-folding the towels to expose new clean sides as you clean each area.
Both products are safe to use on aircraft windows, cockpit instruments and displays.
- *We recommend using a new towel every times you clean your aircraft windows. If you choose to use a previously used and washed towel, thoroughly inspect the towel for any contaminants that may have become attached to the towels.
- After cleaning your windows with Wash Wax ALL or Plex Wax, you will notice that your windows stay cleaner longer and are much easier to clean after the first initial cleaning.
- Water will bead up and slide off the widows in the rain, due to the non-stick coating left behind by Wash Wax ALL or Plex Wax, allowing for better visibility.
- If you have a large amount of dust accumulation, are in the desert, or are near the beach, we recommend that you blow (with compressed air or a leaf blower) or rinse off (using fresh water) the windows before cleaning. The best time to clean aircraft windows is immediately after a flight. This ensures that any heavy dust has been blown off and the bugs are still fresh and soft (pre-soaking may not be necessary)
- Plastic is softer than paint so it is very important that you use only high quality towels that are soft and absorbent such as, Aero Diapers and Aero Towels. Your towels should be washed regularly, inspected for foreign materials, and stored in a sealed container or bag, free of any dirt.
- Once you have finished cleaning your windows with new towels, you can use those towels on the rest of your aircraft.
- We do not recommend the use of chamois. They are difficult to clean thoroughly and do not completely dry the surface, leaving streaks. We recommend smaller towels because they are easier to wash, fold, and unfold, and come in packs, making it convenient to replace with a fresh clean towel once the towel has become dirty.
- Avoid scratching the aircraft windows by not wearing rings, watches, bracelets, cuff-links, keys, and belt buckles while cleaning the aircraft. Also beware of shirt buttons and zippers.
- Do not use towels that have touched the ground.