How to: Use the Wash Wax Mop
Spray On
Wet Side
Dry Side

Spray the Wet side with 10-20 pumps of Wash Wax ALL. (This is to prime a new dry pad)

Spray Wash Wax ALL on the area to be cleaned. We recommend about one spray pump per square foot.

Wipe the area with the Wet side of the mop.

Flip the mop over to the Dry side and dry the area before the Wash Wax ALL dries on its own.
• In order to apply Wash Wax ALL to hard to reach areas, rotate the sprayer nozzle to stream and spray Wash Wax ALL on to the surface OR spray directly on to the Wet side of the Mop and then wipe the area to be cleaned.
• Once the Wet side pad gets dirty, replace it with the Dry side pad and put a fresh clean pad on the Dry side.
Helpful Tips:
• The Wet side should only be damp. Do not over-saturate the Wet side or you may begin to see streaking. If the Wet side gets over-saturated, stop spraying Wash Wax ALL on to the Wet side or the surface and continue cleaning new areas until the Wet side becomes only damp. The most common mistake our customers make is using too much Wash Wax ALL.
• Top Down- clean the high areas first to prevent spray mist from landing on clean areas.
• Stay up-wind- keep the dirty areas downwind of your cleaning spray.
• After all painted surfaces have been cleaned, put (2) fresh & clean pads on the mop head and clean the windows last.
• Keep in mind when it's hot and dry the surface will dry faster, so you will do smaller areas at a time. When it is cold and damp it takes longer to dry so you will do larger areas.
• Do not place the Mop on the ground. The pads may pick up contaminants that can scratch the surface.
• Inspect mop pads and towels for contaminants that may scratch after washing and before each use.
• Store mop pads and towels in a dirt free container or bag.
• Tighten the nut to prevent the Mop from pivoting too easily. We recommend that the nut be tight enough to provide some resistance when you pivot the mop head by hand.
• There is a locking screw for the swivel. We recommend that you leave it locked when you first start using the Mop. Once you are comfortable using the Mop, take out the screw and store it in the bottom hole. The screw can be removed with a screwdriver. At first it may seem difficult to control, but once you get the feel of it, you may want to leave it unlocked. The unlocked position gives you greater flexibility and maneuverability using the Mop. Whether you leave the screw in or take it out is your personal preference.
Do Not use the Mop from a ladder!
WARNING: The mop was developed to eliminate the need for a ladder. DO NOT USE THE WASH WAX MOP FROM A LADDER as you will not be able to use the mop and hold on to the ladder at the same time, thus increasing your chances of falling.